

Between 2000 and 2022 there were 2 births of Michāel in the countries below, which represents an average of 0 birth of children bearing the first name Michāel per year on average throughout this period.
On the last available year for each country, we count 0 birth.

Other languages  :  
En Français Prénom Michāel   
In Italiano Nome Michāel   
Available variants : Michael , Michaél , Michaël , Michäel

Information about the first name Michāel

The first name Michāel is listed in our categories :The first name Michāel has been assigned to:
100.00% to boys
0.00% to girls
The country where the first name Michāel is the most common is:
DE Germany
This first name is on trend: Male
This first name has 7 letters including 3 vowels and 4 consonants

Anagrams of the first name Michāel

An anagram is a word that contains the same letters of another word. Here is the list of first names which are an anagram of Michāel : Amichel, Camilhe, Chae Lim, Chameli, Chimela, Lachemi, Lemachi, Liam Che, Machiel, Maichel, Mailech, Malechi, Meilach, Micahel, Michale, Micheal, Micheál, Michéal, Mícheál, Michel A, Michela, Michéla

Michāel in Japanese *

* This is a phonetic conversion, not a translation.
Michāel in Japanese
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Michāel in sign language

Michāel in binary language

01101101 01101001 01100011 01101000 11000100 10000001 01100101 01101100

Origin and meaning of name Michāel

US English
Etymology src :
Alternative forms src :
Anagrams src :
Pronunciation src :
  • enPR: mīʹkəl, IPA(key): /ˈmaɪkəl/, [ˈmɐɪ.kɫ̩]
  • Rhymes: -aɪkəl
Proper noun src :
Proper noun (Statistics) src :
Proper noun src :

Popularity of the name Michāel

Number of MICHĀEL births per year

Total births of Michāel by country

Births with the first name Michāel
2000 - 2022

Comments on the name Michāel

Personalities with the first name Michāel

There are 2921 personalities with the first name Michāel

Michael Jackson
(Michael Joseph Jackson) src

United states of america
Screenwriter Actor Businessperson Poet Entrepreneur Singer Record producer Singer-songwriter Musician Songwriter Voice actor Film director Model Dancer Art collector Film actor Recording artist Philanthropist Autobiographer

Michael Faraday

Great britain United kingdom of great britain and ireland
Writer Physicist Inventor Chemist

Michael Schumacher

Motorcycle racer Formula one driver

Michael Jordan
(Michael Jeffrey Jordan) src

United states of america
Spokesperson Entrepreneur Basketball player Baseball player Autobiographer

Chris Pratt
(Christopher Michael Pratt) src

United states of america
Actor Voice actor Television actor Film actor

Sylvester Stallone
(Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone) src

United states of america
Screenwriter Film director Film producer Film actor

Kevin Costner
(Kevin Michael Costner) src

United states of america
Screenwriter Actor Singer Musician Songwriter Guitarist Voice actor Film director Film producer Director Television actor Film actor

Michael Caine
(Maurice Joseph Micklewhite) src

United kingdom
Film actor

Le Caravage
(Michelangelo Merisi) src

Duchy of milan

Hugh Jackman
(Hugh Michael Jackman) src

United kingdom Australia
Actor Singer Musician Television presenter Executive producer Stage actor Voice actor Film producer Television actor Musical theatre actor Film actor

There are more than 10 personalities with the first name Michāel
Full list of personalities with the first name Michāel

Film Actors and Actresses with the first name Michāel

There are 0 actor and actress with the first name Michāel

Rankings of first name MICHĀEL by country

Country ranking (boys)
No ranking of first name MICHĀEL (male) births over the last year available in each country
Country ranking (girls)
No ranking of first name MICHĀEL (female) births over the last year available in each country