

Between 1909 and 2022 there were 10 births of Michellé in the countries below, which represents an average of 0 birth of children bearing the first name Michellé per year on average throughout this period.
On the last available year for each country, we count 0 birth.

Other languages  :  
En Français Prénom Michellé   
In Italiano Nome Michellé   
Available variants : Michelle , Michélle , Michèlle
Variations : Chelle , Michell , Michella , Miguela , Mischel , Mischelle , Mishell , Mishelle , Shell

Information about the first name Michellé

We celebrate Michellé on September 29th
The first name Michellé has been assigned to:
0.00% to boys
100.00% to girls
The country where the first name Michellé is the most common is:
CH Switzerland
This first name is on trend: Female
This first name has 8 letters including 3 vowels and 5 consonants

Anagrams of the first name Michellé

An anagram is a word that contains the same letters of another word. Here is the list of first names which are an anagram of Michellé : Le Michel, Micheell, Michele L, Miclhele

Michellé in Japanese *

* This is a phonetic conversion, not a translation.
Michellé in Japanese
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Michellé in sign language

Michellé in binary language

01101101 01101001 01100011 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 11000011 10101001

Origin and meaning of name Michellé

US English
Etymology src :
Alternative forms src :
Pronunciation src :
  • IPA(key): /mɪˈʃɛl/
  • Rhymes: -ɛl
Proper noun src :
Real people bearing the name (As stage name) src :
Real people bearing the name (As surname) src :
  • Candice Michelle, American model, actress and retired professional wrestler
  • Cara Michelle, American Playmate-of-the-month and actress
  • Janee Michelle (born 1946), American actress
  • Vicki Michelle, British actress, best known for playing as Yvette Carte-Blanche from the British sitcom 'Allo 'Allo!
Proper noun src :

Popularity of the name Michellé

Number of MICHELLÉ births per year

Total births of Michellé by country

Births with the first name Michellé
1909 - 2021
2000 - 2022

Comments on the name Michellé

Personalities with the first name Michellé

There are 247 personalities with the first name Michellé

Michelle Obama
(Michelle Lavaughn Robinson) src

United states of america
Writer Lawyer Politician Podcaster

Michelle Bachelet

Politician Surgeon Pediatrician Epidemiologist International forum participant

Cameron Diaz
(Cameron Michelle Diaz) src

United states of america
Actor Television producer Executive producer Voice actor Film producer Fashion model Model Television actor Film actor Non-fiction writer

Michelle Pfeiffer
(Michelle Marie Pfeiffer) src

United states of america
Singer Stage actor Voice actor Film producer Model Television actor Film actor

Courtney Love

United states of america
Actor Composer Singer Musician Guitarist Film actor Recording artist

Michelle Rodríguez
(Mayte Michelle Rodriguez) src

United states of america
Screenwriter Actor Voice actor Film producer Television actor Film actor

Amanda Seyfried
(Amanda Michelle Seyfried) src

United states of america
Television actor Film actor Actor Composer Singer Singer-songwriter Voice actor Model

Jessica Chastain
(Jessica Michelle Chastain) src

United states of america
Actor Film producer

Ashley Tisdale

United states of america
Singer Singer-songwriter Executive producer Voice actor Blogger Television actor Film actor

Michelle Yeoh

Actor Model Film actor Beauty pageant contestant International forum participant

There are more than 10 personalities with the first name Michellé
Full list of personalities with the first name Michellé

Film Actors and Actresses with the first name Michellé

There are 1 actor and actress with the first name Michellé
Michellé Cronjé

Rankings of first name MICHELLÉ by country

Country ranking (boys)
No ranking of first name MICHELLÉ (male) births over the last year available in each country
Country ranking (girls)
No ranking of first name MICHELLÉ (female) births over the last year available in each country