

Between 1980 and 2022 there were 1 birth of Xavíer in the countries below, which represents an average of 0 birth of children bearing the first name Xavíer per year on average throughout this period.
On the last available year for each country, we count 0 birth.

Other languages  :  
En Français Prénom Xavíer   
In Italiano Nome Xavíer   
Available variants : Xavier , Xaviér

Information about the first name Xavíer

We celebrate Xavíer on December 3rd
The first name Xavíer has been assigned to:
100.00% to boys
0.00% to girls
The country where the first name Xavíer is the most common is:
AB Alberta
This first name is on trend: Male
This first name has 6 letters including 3 vowels and 3 consonants

Anagrams of the first name Xavíer

An anagram is a word that contains the same letters of another word. Here is the list of first names which are an anagram of Xavíer : Axvier, Xaiver

Xavíer in Japanese *

* This is a phonetic conversion, not a translation.
Xavíer in Japanese
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Xavíer in sign language

Xavíer in binary language

01111000 01100001 01110110 11000011 10101101 01100101 01110010

Origin and meaning of name Xavíer

US English
Etymology src :
Pronunciation src :
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈzeɪ.vɪə/, /ˈzæv.ɪə/, /ɪɡˈzeɪ.vɪə/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˈzeɪ.vjɚ/, /ˈzeɪ.vi.ɚ/, /ɪɡˈzeɪ.vjɚ/, /ɪɡˈzeɪ.vi.ɚ/
  • (approximating Spanish) IPA(key): /hɑˈvi.ɛɹ/
  • Rhymes: -eɪvjə(ɹ)
Proper noun src :
Proper noun (Derived terms) src :
  • Xavierian
  • Xavierite
Proper noun (Statistics) src :
  • According to the 2010 United States Census, Xavier is the 9638th most common surname in the United States, belonging to 3367 individuals. Xavier is most common among White (48.56%), Black/African American (21.29%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (16.01%) individuals.
Proper noun (Usage notes) src :

Popularity of the name Xavíer

Number of XAVÍER births per year

Total births of Xavíer by country

Births with the first name Xavíer
1980 - 2022

Comments on the name Xavíer

Personalities with the first name Xavíer

There are 234 personalities with the first name Xavíer

Xavi Hernández
(Xavier Hernández Creus) src

Association football manager Association football player

Xavier Bettel


Jean-Louis Trintignant
(Jean Louis Xavier Trintignant) src

Film actor Audiobook narrator Screenwriter Actor Character actor Stage actor Film director Racing automobile driver

Charles Ier De Portugal
(Carlos Fernando Luís Maria Victor Miguel Rafael Gabriel Gonzaga Xavier Francisco De Assis José Simão) src

Kingdom of portugal
Diplomat Painter

Xavier Dolan

Screenwriter Actor Costume designer Music video director Film director Film producer Film editor Television actor Film actor Dub actor

Xavier Bichat
(Marie François Xavier Bichat) src

French first republic
Physician Surgeon Physiologist Pathologist Anatomist

Xavier Tartakover

France Poland
Chess player Non-fiction writer Poet Journalist

Regis Philbin
(Regis Francis Xavier Philbin) src

United states of america
Singer Musician Television presenter Voice actor Television actor Film actor Presenter Talk show host Game show host Recording artist

Xavier Espot Zamora

Politician Jurist

Xavier Samuel

Actor Musician Stage actor Television actor Film actor

There are more than 10 personalities with the first name Xavíer
Full list of personalities with the first name Xavíer

Film Actors and Actresses with the first name Xavíer

There are 0 actor and actress with the first name Xavíer

Rankings of first name XAVÍER by country

Country ranking (boys)
No ranking of first name XAVÍER (male) births over the last year available in each country
Country ranking (girls)
No ranking of first name XAVÍER (female) births over the last year available in each country